Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cycle 3 Reflections

Well, another cycle came and is gone. This time I feel that although I didn't follow my schedule in shadowing as well as I should have, something else took its place. The Pritele project ensured that I spoke Japanese regularly and repeatedly. Meanwhile, I did follow my schedule for anime-watching. While I didn't repeat after the character's speaking, I did listen carefully and try to work out exactly which mora they were using, sometimes rewinding to make sure I got it right. I feel much more confident listening to Japanese, even if I still get tripped up by fast dialogue, small つ, or unfamiliar vocab.

Over all the cycles I do not think my PE were as helpful as they could have been, simply because I didn't do the exercises as much as I could have. Whenever I did actually do them, it felt like they helped a lot, and due to that my Japanese speaking and listening is massively better than it was even right before the break, but I don't do it enough.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


明日 ペンさんと 私は インターネっトで プリテレの プロジェクトを します。  ペキンと ワシントンについて はなします。 ここに 七時半から 八時まで あります。 見て下さい。プロジェットのなまえは まちにつりて はなします です。

Monday, January 9, 2012



私のしゅみ 何ですか。 あにめを みるのが 好きです。みやざきさんのえいがが 大好きです。ぼくの好きなえいがは かぜのたにのナウシカ (えいごで Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)。 ふゆ休みに その えいがの DVDを かうので、今日 プリンストン大学に 友だちと もう 一ど みりました。かぜのたにのナウシカは ふるくて いいえいがです。

フェンシングも 好きです。 毎週 フェンシングを しに ディロンのたいいくかんに いきます。私は フェンシングが あまり じょうすくないので、 たいへんだ、でも フェンシングは とても たのしい スポーツです。
私と 友だちは ゴンザガ高校で フェンシングを しました